Use Seq2seq to train a chatbot talk like Chandler and Angry Chandler

Data Process:

Download friends scripts, processing the data.

For finding the conversation talked by Chandler, I used the following strategy.
  1. I found that if a scene has many people, and one wants to talk to Chandler, not other people, it will have a "(to Chandler)" in the sentence. But there may be many "(to ***)" in one sentence, so I cut the other part, and only reserve the "talk to Chandler" part sentence and found the next Chandler answer as one pair of QA.
  2. If someone says something and then Chandler says something, I will reserve this kind of conversation. Although it may have some errors. (For example, They are answering the same question asked by some other people.) But I still consider this strategy is worked. Because most of these conversations are one talking to Chandler, and although there may have some errors, the two sentences must have the same topic.
  3. If Chandler's sentence is the first sentence of a scene, I will strip this sentence.
For angry Chandler part, I use DepecheMood++ to find the angry score of all my QA sentences.
The steps are as follows:
  1. According to the DM++ data, I got a dict of almost all the word and their angry score.
  2. By using this dict, I can calculate all the Answer's angry score by calculating the sum of all the word's angry score. But at this time I found that if a sentence is very long, then it's angry score will high either. So I limited the sentence's length and find the sentences whose angry score is higher than 0.55.
  3. But at this time, there is another question, which is that the number of sentences is too few. So I add some other corpus(From Chatterbot-corpus). And do the same thing to find high angry score sentences. 
I use these two datasets to train my two models and get two version of Chandler.

Word embedding:

The word embedding part is based on the One-Hot representation of the word bag (BOW). In this way, the words in the vocabulary are arranged in a column. For a word A, if it appears in the lexical sequence as k, then its vector representation is "the kth bit is 1, and the other positions are A vector of 0 ”.

But when I load all the data and try to build a Three-dimensional matrix, it will have memory error on my computer (also on google colab). So I have to sacrifice some data to build the matrix.

Actually, I more want to use word2vec to do the word embedding. But the thing is, I know how to convert a sentence to vector, but I don't know how to convert a vector to sentence. So I didn't use this method.

Deep learning approach:

I use seq2seq model to train the model, and base on Keras seq2seq sample
This is the training graph:
I try to understand RNN but havn't understand it totally. Just know how to implement it in Keras. And I spend a lot of time to find how to load the model. Because it should load the encode part model and decoder part model separately.


The result of the model is not very well.

I thought there are some reasons:
  1. The Dataset is a little small and not very well.
  2. The number of epoches is not enough. (But actully it need almost five day to train one model on my computer, although I use the Google colab, it still need about ten hours. Also the network is so unstable, so I retrain the model so many times. Finally, I just try 100 epoches).


1st week: 

Read some paper and find how to implement the chatbot. Process the raw HTML.

2nd week:

Process the data and try to write the code.

3rd week:

Still process the data and debug.

4th week

Train the model and find how to load the model. Adjustment the data.

5th week

Process the angry data and prepare for the presentation.



OffensEval identify.
How to train a chatbot by Deep Learning
